Writing for humans first and search engines second is a simple idea, but it's also one of the most important things you can do to improve your web presence. It means writing with the reader in mind - not the search engine bots. 

SEO isn't just about keyword density or meta tags. You need to think about how people use the internet, what they're searching for, and then design your website accordingly. This means creating a site that is easy to navigate and understand, as well as being relevant and engaging. 

Here are some best practices to get you started. These tips won't guarantee success, but using them will give you a better chance at ranking higher than your competitors. 

Write for humans first and search engines second. Use targeted keywords in all the right places. Focus on user experience (UX)... Focus on building relevant links. Format content for Featured Snippets. Remove anything that slows down your site. 


1. Write for humans first 

If you want to be successful in SEO, you have to write for people first. Search engines are great tools to help find information online, but they don't always know what you mean. People don't read pages like robots; they skim them for the information they're looking for. So if you want to rank high on Google, make sure your page is organized logically and that each section has keywords related to what it offers. Make sure everything is written from a human perspective. 

2. Use targeted keywords in all the right places 

Keyword density is overrated. While it's true that you should include lots of relevant keywords throughout your pages, you shouldn't stuff them into every sentence. Search engines love content, so if you repeat yourself too much, your site will suffer from repetition blindness. Instead, focus on including keywords in places where users would naturally look for them, such as headlines, subheadings, image captions, etc. 

3. Focus on user experience (UX) 

A lot of SEO practitioners overlook UX, which stands for User Experience. This refers to designing the entire site, from navigation to colors, to ensure that users enjoy their time on your site. For example, if you have a blog that doesn't load quickly, many readers will abandon it before reading more than a few paragraphs. If this happens often enough, you could lose potential customers. 

4. Build relevant links 

Getting backlinks from other sites is essential for ranking highly in search results. But that doesn't mean you should go out of your way to get them. The quality of these links matters more than the quantity. Try to build links that are valuable to your target audience. If you create a resource guide for teachers, don't link to your own site to promote it. Instead, link to useful guides created by others. Also avoid linking to websites that are unrelated to yours. 

5. Format content for featured snippets 

Google recently announced that it would start showing snippets of text from its Knowledge Graph below organic search results. These are called "featured snippets," and you can see them on both desktop and mobile searches. There are two ways to appear in these spots. First, if you provide good answers to questions, you might end up in a featured snippet. Second, if you add an answer to a question, Google will consider your site to be authoritative and may even choose to show your answer instead of someone else's. 

6. Remove anything that slows down your site 

Search engines only crawl your site once every three days. So if you have images on your site that aren't optimized properly, your site will take longer to load. And if you have slow loading resources, visitors will leave your site and never come back. To keep your site fast and responsive, remove scripts, unused CSS files, and any other resources that are not necessary for your users. 

7. Don't forget about your mobile app 

Google now ranks apps in the same way it does websites, meaning that if you have a solid app, it will boost your rankings. However, there are still a few factors that differentiate apps from regular websites. For example, Google treats apps differently when doing crawling and indexing, so you'll want to pay attention to those differences. 

8. Optimize your social media profiles 

Social media plays an increasingly important role in SEO. It's no secret that sharing links to your site via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest can help increase traffic, but optimizing your profiles can do even more. For example, you should optimize your profile photos to make them easier to share. 

9. Create a sitemap and submit it to Google 

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! regularly update their algorithms to reflect changes in the market. Because of this, having a list of all the pages on your site will allow you to know exactly how your site looks to Google. But you can also submit your site map to Google and let it crawl your site for new updates. Search engines like Google will crawl your site every 24 hours automatically, so if you want to monitor how your site is performing, you can schedule weekly crawls. 

10. Test, test, test 

The last step in improving your web presence is testing. You can use a tool like Screaming Frog to crawl your site and report on various metrics. This includes the number of visits, bounce rate, and average time spent on your page. After you've identified areas to improve, you can try different approaches to determine which ones work. Then implement those methods until you reach your goals.